From Juvenile Delinquency to Young Adult Offending: Study Group on the Transitions between Juvenile Delinquency & Adult Crime
Maya SussmanAdolescent Development, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Community Services, Other Specialized Provisions, Application of Juvenile Services, Age-Appropriate Programming and Services, Gender and Sexual Orientation, Racial and Ethnic Disparities, Positive Youth Development, Publications, 2013
Bulletin 6: Changing Lives: Prevention and Intervention to Reduce Serious Offending (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
Bulletin 5: Young Offenders & an Effective Response in the Juv & Adult Justice Systems (Study Group on Transitions Btwn Juv Delinquency & Adult Crime)
Bulletin 2: Criminal Career Patterns (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
Bulletin 1: From Juvenile Delinquency to Young Adult Offending (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
Maturation of the Adolescent Brain
Bulletin 4: Prediction and Risk/Needs Assessment (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
Bulletin 3: Explanations for Offending (Study Group on the Transitions between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)